Thursday, 12 January 2012

Folk dance meet

THE Malaysia-China Cultural and Arts Association (PKKMC) in conjunction with the Chinese Folk Dance Grade Test Centre (CFDGTC) are organising a Chinese Children Folk Dance Performance.

The performance will include a friendly competition that will be held at four different locations – Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Klang and Morib from Jan 31 to Feb 6.

Five teams from China — Beijing, Hainan, Henan, Qing Dao and Gui Zhou — as well as five local teams, two from Malacca, two from Seremban, and one from Kuala Lumpur will be competing against one another.

  The teams will perform at the four different locations where marks will be given for each performance, and averaged out.

Chinese folk dances: The different Chinese ethnic groups performed by the children of the Chinese Folk Dance Grade Test Centre.

The winners will be announced on Feb 5 at a prize giving ceremony.

There will be three gold medals, five silver medals, and seven bronze medals to be given out.

CFDGTC representative James Tee said the competition was meant to allow the children to have a chance to perform and at the same time enjoy themselves.

It also intends to instil an appreciation of the evolution of folk dance and the meanings behind them in the public.

In between the competition performances, there will also be childrens’ folk dance workshops and performances of Malay, Indian and Chinese traditional dances.

Lively performance: Chinese folk dances of different Chinese ethnic groups performed by the children of the Chinese Folk Dance Grade Test Centre.
   “We would like to give Malaysian children exposure to the different types of Chinese folk dances from the different Chinese ethnic groups such as the Hans, the Tibetans and the Mongolians.

“At the same time, we want to allow the children from the CFDGTC of China to experience the cultural dances of the Malay, Indian and Peranakan folk in return.” said CFDGTC representative Ge Yamei.

The event in Malacca comes with an entry fee of RM20.

The Kuala Lumpur edition will charge a fee of RM38, while the Morib event will be free, but is exclusively for the guests of the Gold Coast Resort in Morib.

The entry fees collected will be used for three different purposes’ to cover the expenses of organising the competition; an upcoming international conference in May by the UTAR Postgraduate Chinese Studies Society, (a co-organiser of the competition); and invitations to underprivileged children interested in participating or attending the events who are unable to afford it.

For enquiries, call Chua Fong Ling at 03-2143 8332.

Monday, 9 January 2012



2012年中国民族民间舞考级少儿优秀节目展演暨 马中国际少儿民间舞蹈交流邀请赛


主办单位马中文化艺术协会及中国民族民间舞考级中心联合各场承办单位包括蓝天舞子舞蹈艺术学院、拉曼大学中文系研究生学会、八打灵再也妇女前进协会 、冼都中文华小、摩立黄金海岸和马来西亚华族民间舞中心今日召开新闻发布会作出以上宣布。


我们希望这项交流展演能够落实促进马中两国民族文化艺术的交流;提供观众认识及欣赏两国民族文化艺术瑰宝的平台;籍文化艺术活动的管道, 让马来西亚的文化走向国际,让中华民族文化在马来西亚传承和推广,并藉团体的巡回演出,在全国范围扩大影响力,肩负起文化传播的使命。


此次演出团第一站将来到马来西亚马六甲,由马六甲蓝天舞子舞蹈艺术学院承办,在PANGGUNG SERI,TMN BUDAYA AYER KEROH,MELAKA演出。这场演出融合了马六甲州政府首席部长办公室下设峇峇娘惹文化事务处选派的优秀娘惹舞蹈,并邀请了资深娘惹艺术家教授中国的孩子娘惹舞蹈。演出收益盈余将捐助给马六甲当地各华小。

演出团第二站将来到吉隆坡,由拉曼大学中文系研究生学会、八打灵再也妇女前进协会 、冼都中文华小联合承办,演出地点:吉隆坡王岳海大礼堂。这场演出除了有中国民族民间舞考级中心的优秀舞蹈,而且也邀请到马来西亚当地优秀的少儿民族舞蹈,他们将在舞台上共同呈现华,巫,印民族舞蹈。这场的演出是为了拉曼大学中文系研究生协会学术活动筹款,提供给弱势群体特别是孤儿院,单亲家庭及老人院等,共同欢度新春佳节的节目,并积极推动马中艺术文化的交流。希望公众踊跃乐捐门票进场观看。


马六甲联络人:马六甲蓝天舞子舞蹈学院(吴淑薇),联络电话:016-6619910 /06-9530084
 / 018-3839882. /
吉隆坡联络人: 马中文化艺术协会 (电话:03-21438332蔡凤玲),龙凤酒家(电话:019-3558192 陈碧梅)。/ 摩立黄金海岸联络人:摩立黄金海岸度假酒店沙滩( 03-31981028/016-2386 513)。